2 New Appliances That Expedite After-Dinner Clean-Up

7 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Do you spend more time in the kitchen doing clean-up work more than you do actually enjoying time with the family? If you're looking for new appliances and for ways to cut down on the time it takes you to clean up after dinner each night, there's two things you need – a new dishwasher and a new stove. Here, you'll find a short list of features that these two appliances offer that will cut the time it takes for you to get back to enjoying your family after dinner.

Ceramic Cooktop Stove

It can be very time consuming waiting for the stove to cool off enough to actually clean the messes that are made with each meal. Instead of having to remove the burners and trays, all you'll need to do is wait for the top to cool a bit and wipe it with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. In just seconds, you'll have removed any food that has cooked onto the surface – you won't have to rip the entire top of the unit apart each month to get the food that's dripped under the cooktop and begun rotting.

Dishwasher with a Grinder Built In

How much time do you spend washing the dishes before you load them into the dishwasher to be washed again? Well, you can eliminate the need to even rinse the dishes if you invest in a new dishwasher that has a grinder built into it.

As the dishwasher works, it rinses the food off of each dish. The food is then washed into a basin in the bottom of the unit. This basin sucks the food debris into it, chops it up and sends it into the drain lines in small enough pieces that it won't cause the drains to clog.

This means, no more washing the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. This means, no more running a big sink of hot water to wash the pots and pans – you save time and money!

Tip: To optimize the performance of your dishwasher, you will still need to use a drying aid and you will have to clean it every month or so. The dishwashers with the built-in grinders do tend to get smelly if they aren't cleaned often, but it only requires you to pick up a dishwasher cleaning product and run an empty cycle.

Visit an appliance store to learn more about the new appliances that will reduce the time it takes to clean up after dinner.